Welcome to Hailstorm Phoenix


THEY; The elite. The top 1% of wealth and power around the globe united in greed and ultimate power over the majority of society through any means necessary. Those who would put profits before people, cash before morality or humanity, and war before peace.

What THEY are doing.

1) Keeping the majority human population in slavery and submission through poisoning our water, air, soil, food, medicine with chemicals known to effect the human mind, creating docility, the physical body, weakening muscles, ailments and cancers and attacking the psyche with constant propaganda through media and false issues.

2) Maintaining the focus away from their actions and crimes by demonizing other cultures, races, minorities, or any other difference between humans to cause animosity and hatred.

3) Continuing a consistent non-acknowledgement of basic human rights, liberties and happiness to all earth citizens excluding themselves.

We; The majority of humanity trying to maintain or gain human rights, liberties and happiness, usually through peaceful and law abiding means.

What WE need to do to solve the problem.

1) Educate the masses of THEIR intentions and objectives. To first arm the majority with information so as they understand what is being done to them and why.

2) Incite activism. Show that numbers are the true power in any revolution and that peace is not a fantasy or make believe but real and obtainable through sheer might.

3) Create a system of equality based on human rights, liberties and happiness.

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